
aml technologY

Our technology experts can review your existing systems and help you identify potential data and systems gaps as well as assess the impacts of the latest laws and regulations to your data and systems. We can help you remediate any gaps that are discovered in an assessment, resulting in a compliant and effective use of your technology investments. Trust our AML tech team with the most important currency you have - your compliant and accurate data and technology.


Many clients that have process optimization as an ongoing service with The AML Shop will often incorporate their technology processes into the mix. Your AML technology can support or in some cases, hinder your compliance efforts. That’s why when we examine your process optimization we suggest including technology optimization into the mix. 

Think of AML process optimization like taking care of your car. There are many components to a well-run engine which requires thoughtful attention and care for an optimal, inter-relationship between all the parts. When one process is out of sync, it can affect the whole performance.

The AML Shop’s dedicated experts and service on the very deep analysis and monitoring of AML process optimization ensures that your processes are running at their best at all times without any gaps. This saves time, resources, and can even help to avoid costly mistakes.

Ignoring process optimization can find AML departments left behind, leaving their organizations at a disadvantage due to a loss of expertise resulting from employee turnover and a reduced capacity to identify and respond to regulatory and other risks. 

Borrowing principles from lean manufacturing, such as identification and elimination of waste and non value-added processes, as well as process balancing, we use a fine-toothed comb to examine how your team can achieve their compliance goals more effortlessly while fostering a partnership of coaching and learning. 

Maximize your compliance outcomes with minimal effort using process optimization.  If you stay ready, you don’t have to get ready!

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